Board Meetings
Second Tuesday every month at 7:00 p.m. (PT); Vacaville Fire Protection District Fire Station #67; 4135 Cantelow Road, Vacaville, CA
Next Meeting:
- Mar 11 | Mar 11 Agenda & Information Packet
Rural North Vacaville Water District
The Rural North Vacaville Water District (RNVWD) is a Community Services District formed under Government Code Section 61000 et. Seq. to develop and provide a public water distribution system. The public water distribution system serves properties within the Rural North Vacaville Water District boundaries with potable water for residential use. In addition, the Rural North Vacaville Water District provides water for fire protection by supplying water to a series of fire hydrants serving properties in the area.
The RNVWD was established because of the lack of adequate available water from private wells within the rural North Vacaville area. The District is comprised of the area enveloping Cantelow Road, English Hills, Gibson Canyon and Steiger Hill. The water system was designed to supply enough water capacity to supply potable water to a maximum of 533 parcels within that area. In addition to the parcels that benefit from water service, the water system also provides fire protection benefits to an additional number of parcels within the boundaries of the District. Hence, a total of 711 parcels benefit from fire protection service from the RNVWD system.
The Rural North Vacaville Water District serves only unincorporated rural Solano County north of Vacaville.
For more information, see About the District.
Water Quality Report
The most recent Water Quality Report (CCR) required is for results from all annual samplings as reported in the Water Quality Report (CCR).
Monitoring for continues on a regular, approved schedule, and will be in the next annual Water Quality Report (CCR). In addition to regular on-going required sampling, due to the recent fire three rounds of SPECIAL, EXTRA sampling have occurred. In consultation with the Division of Drinking Water’s State Expert on Post-FIRE related water sampling and local Regulators, both focused bacteriological and volatile organic samples have been taken. All of these samples were sent to the state-certified lab with instructions to RUSH RESULTS to the District.
There have been NO DETECTIONS for any fire related parameters, in ANY of the samples. Additional samples are planned for the future to continue to monitor the system. There would be immediate public notification of results to customers if there are any detections impacting health.
Download & view the Water Quality Report (CCR) | PFAS; Forever Chemicals Report
Water Rates
Description | Sep 1, 2024-Aug 31, 2025 | Sep 1, 2025-Aug 31, 2026 |
Base Fee (Service for all properties in the District with single water right) | $79.18 per month | $84.72 per month |
Capital Recovery Charge (CRC) (Charge for all properties in the District with a single water right) | $118.46 per month | $124.30 per month |
Tier 1 Usage rate: 0-25 ccf (0-18,700 gallons) | $3.21 per ccf | $3.43 per ccf |
Tier 2 Usage rate: over 25-50 ccf | $3.21 per ccf | $3.43 per ccf |
Tier 3 Usage rate: over 50 ccf | $3.21 per ccf | $3.43 per ccf |
Supplemental Fee (Charge for properties with more than one water right) | $118.46 per month | $124.30 per month |
Per June 2024 Board approval; see 2024-72 Water Rate Increase–Jun 2024.